ServiceNow® Changes Everything

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ServiceNow®: Changing the Public Sector Landscape

ServiceNow® at a Glance

The public sector is turning into an active sweet spot for ServiceNow®, as the service management software helps federal agencies move faster and securely to cloud-based solutions. ServiceNow® CEO John Donahoe explains:

" Just as we've seen in the private sector worldwide, digital transformation is becoming a public sector imperative, and we are deeply committed to being a preferred strategic partner helping governments modernize, drive efficiency and deliver better experiences for employees and their citizens." - (Q3, 2018 ServiceNow® Earnings Conference Call)

By leveraging ServiceNow®, companies can capitalize on a service model that structures, defines, and automates the flow of work while streamlining delivery. ServiceNow® provides a "light-speed" service experience that replaces the manual transactions of the past.

Low configuration requirements are one immediate benefit of ServiceNow®. It means less time to get up and running; hence, agencies can immediately be productive and begin identifying concerns and begin to resolve them.

The new software ecosystem. Constructed to manage everything as a service, ServiceNow® supports the modern enterprise by accelerating operations and making them more scalable than ever. Imagine how efficient your agency would operate with a service-oriented lens on processes, tasks, and activities that make up the day-to-day work life.

ServiceNow® provides a robust platform, including architecture, straight out of the box. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about databases, or their structures, because ServiceNow® has an open architecture and allows for a clean integration. You can take the platform and plug it into different systems or processes that are otherwise not represented.

Businesswoman Discussing Process

Businesswoman Discussing Process

The ServiceNow® platform is powerful. Throughout the public sector, agencies and organizations can capitalize on the following ServiceNow® tools:

  • IT Service Management

  • Application Development

  • Security Operations

  • Field Service Management

  • Finance Service Management

  • HR Service Management

Cloud-based solutions in the public sector

Convincing public sector organizations to fully adopt cloud-based solutions has not been easy. However, as more organizations adopt cloud solutions, cloud is revolutionizing how the government operates, resulting in cost-effective public services and tremendous efficiency.

Designed in the cloud and specifically for the large enterprise, ServiceNow® can withstand the pressures of customer requirements and scalability. We are talking about a cloud-based platform that eliminates the need to have ties to a local resource, and equals easy adaptability across multiple networks.

6 Ways the Cloud is affecting the public sector. Cloud computing provides a number of benefits to public sector organizations, one of which is the ability to save significant amounts of time and money without sacrificing functionality. By improving efficiency, automating mundane tasks, and reducing storage, energy, and personnel costs associated with in-house systems, transitioning an organization to the cloud can drastically cut down on operating costs while delivering even better results. Here are the six ways ServiceNow® (and other Cloud-based solutions) are affecting the public sector:

Businessmen Discussing Process

Businessmen Discussing Process

#1 Lower Hardware and Software Costs. One of the major cost-saving benefits of ServiceNow® and/or cloud computing is the reduction in hardware and software costs. Cutting-edge hardware represents an enormous cost to organizations but taking advantage of cloud technology allows you to pass those expenses, as well as the costs to maintain them, onto the vendor. With robust cloud app suites, agencies can save significant money on software by consolidating programs and bypassing the endless stream of licensing fees, time-consuming company-wide installations, and constant upgrades.

#2 Less IT / Maintenance Support. Making hardware and its related support the responsibility of cloud provider also translates into lower labor costs and fewer support staff for agencies. Managing and repairing systems and software ceases to be an issue, and many basic tasks, such as backing up data and updating apps, can be entirely automated, freeing up employees to handle more pressing concerns.

#3 Pay for Only What You Need. Part of what makes ServiceNow® and/or cloud technology so affordable is the concept of "rapid elasticity," where services and resources can quickly be added or removed based on the shifting needs of a business. This means that you can quickly and easily scale up storage needs or add new app functionality if you find yourself growing more quickly than expected. Conversely, if tasks are slowing down or the completion of a major project has left you with more resources than you realistically need, you can cut back and reduce costs at very short notice.

#4 Decreased Power and Space Usage. Running your own on-site data center takes up valuable office space, and because the hardware is often inefficient due to sub-optimal utilization, it also results in unnecessarily high utility bills. Because cloud providers are working at a much larger scale, they can charge less for energy usage, meaning your business can save money on both real estate and electricity. For the federal government, this too, can be an opportunity to operate more efficiently.

#5 Increased Productivity. Time is money, and there is no denying that ServiceNow® technology can significantly improve workplace productivity. By providing real-time data syncing and instantaneous access anywhere, anytime, cloud-based file sharing allows employees to quickly and easily locate data, make corrections, or collaborate on projects, even across great distances. Studies show that improved productivity also leads to higher-quality work and happier employees, providing benefits that go even beyond saving money.

#6 Inexpensive Backups. The costs of storing data on-site can quickly add up, especially when you factor in the need to back up that data or even duplicate entire servers. ServiceNow® technology allows that same data to be stored on the vendor's servers, and any responsible service provider will also mirror your company's data and applications across at least two data center locations, providing built-in redundancy in case of hardware failure or natural disaster.

Migrating to the cloud represents a simple and streamlined way to cut down on costs while simultaneously boosting productivity, efficiency, and scalability.

Reasons to Consider Managed IT Services powered by ServiceNow®

Technology is one of the driving forces behind the success of government agencies in today's environment. Access to the best technology allows agencies to become efficient and remain competitive. Outsourcing all your IT needs to a managed service provider who specializes in ServiceNow® will help to boost the overall productivity of your enterprise.

Here are four simple reasons why public sector organizations and executives should consider managed IT services in the workplace:

#1 Cost Savings. One of the many advantages of a managed IT service provider is that you will never have to worry about continually paying for new software programs, IT maintenance, or hardware upgrades. Instead, an IT service provider will handle all of these duties at a fixed cost per month. A managed service provider is also available at any time to offer technical assistance, which minimizes the need for hiring an in-house IT team, while also improving productivity for existing employees. Add it all together, and you can see why managed IT services is an excellent investment for government agencies.

#2 State of the Art Technology. Another reason to consider using managed IT services is that it gives your agency access to state of the art technology. The latest technology allows your employees to work more efficient and makes it easier to complete job tasks on time. For example, cloud computing allows you to choose the best software programs to meet the needs of your agency, as you can access these services from any location with an internet connection. Cloud technology also enables employees to collaborate on multiple projects, and all of this information is updated in real-time.

Cybersecurity Support Services

Cybersecurity Support Services

 #3 Improve Cybersecurity. Cyber threats continue to evolve and cause significant data breaches to government agencies and organizations, both small and large. However, you can minimize the chance of a cybersecurity incident by choosing to partner with a managed IT service provider. An IT support company offers many cybersecurity services, such as network monitoring, employee training, patch management, data recovery, and much more. Always staying one step ahead of cybercriminals is essential in today's digital work environment, as new cyberattacks continue to grow in complexity.

 #4 Increase Uptime. Technical problems can arise at the worst times and make it almost impossible for employees to remain productive. However, a managed IT service provider is always available to offer immediate help, whether it is late at night on the weekend or early in the morning during a weekday. An IT service provider will also monitor software programs and your entire computer infrastructure to ensure that everything is functioning without any issues. The proactive approach of a managed IT service provider will minimize downtime and prevent small issues from developing into large-scale problems.

Managed IT services are one of the best investments for businesses and government agencies to remain competitive in today's work environment. An IT service provider offers numerous benefits, such as reducing costs, gaining access to new technology, improving cybersecurity, and increasing uptime for organizations and agencies . Of course, technology will only continue to grow, and a managed IT service provider is an excellent choice to meet the ever-changing technological needs of a business.

ServiceNow® and Workflow Automation

What is Workflow Software? Workflow software is an application that automates a process or processes and directs the flow of information following a set of pre-defined rules. An email filter is one classic example of workflow software. Another example is software used in 1040 tax products that extract information from scanned W-2 forms and enters it into the tax software.

Workflow software interprets the contents of a digital document, or picks data from it, for subsequent routing or transfer to a pre-determined destination based on certain criteria or specifications. It aims for a paperless operation, but you need to prioritize your objectives and decide on the level of automation you want to determine which solutions are appropriate for your particular needs.

Fresh thinking and new cloud-based platforms are changing the world of work rapidly.

Workflow Automation Tools

Workflow Automation Tools

Uses of Workflow Software. Workflow software is a great time saver for routines that would otherwise require much time and effort. Other than speed, the software ensures accuracy, eliminating the risk of human error. Workflow software is also used for scanning documents that will be sent as email attachments. Automating the scan-send process merely calls for designating a “Scan” folder and creating the rules for attaching digital files to corresponding email addresses. File conversion is another task that can be easily executed by workflow software; the software can automatically convert RAW image files to JPEG or word documents to PDF files according to your configuration.

Workflow software also facilitates collaboration so that two or more persons can work on the same thing at the same time, regardless of their locations. It can be set up in such a way that files are shared, or work items are delivered to a central electronic “in” basket from where specific users get their individual assignments.

ServiceNow’s workflow automation tools remove business bottlenecks such as manual processes and systems that don’t communicate. Automated workflows make integration between people and systems seamless. Forms, requests, events, approvals, generating a request, notifying users, scripts, and other activities are more efficient with drag and drop interfaces and easy to understand flowcharts.

Agile Development, Workflow Automation, Sprints, and MVPs

Throughout the public sector, it is all too common to hear about organizations that fight through the difficulties of having multiple tools for project tracking, development, and testing. Another common theme is the disconnect between change processes, fixes, operations, and deployment of products and services. ServiceNow®’s agile development application pulls these software development lifecycle workflows together in one system, giving organizations increased visibility into the entire development lifecycle.

Determining and executing upon minimum viable products (MVPs) is an innovative way to drive out new products and services for the government. In Scaled Agile and DevOps initiatives, practitioners find themselves executing multiple work streams in parallel to developing and maintaining legacy system functionalities and changes. With the appropriate scrum master and lead(s), teams inclusive of Developers, Testers, Business Analyst and Subject Matter Experts can have the ability to execute three-week sprint cycles and foster a release cycle of multiple sprints that ultimately roll-out Minimal Viable Products (MVP). MVPs, from an iterative perspective, enable teams to push out new concepts/products into production without increasing scope and cost. This approach accelerates the implementation of high priority change requests by continuous development and frequent release cycles and can also avoid code merge conflicts.

This changes everything! The future of work is more agile, transparent, decentralized, cross‑functional, integrated, and interoperable than most public sector businesses and organizations could ever imagine.

Take advantage of ServiceNow®’s platform and let Visual Connections take you to the next level of IT service delivery and automation.